Safety for Women in the Digital Age
17:e mars 14:00 2023 datumet har passeratSlutar:
17:e mars 15:30 2023 datumet har passeratDigitalt
Parallellt med FN:s årliga kvinnorättskonferens, Commission on the Status of Women anordnas många spännande seminarier och event. Den 17 mars sänder Unizon och Sveriges Kvinnoorganisationer seminariet Safety for Women in the Digital Age!
Women and girls are not safe in public spaces, in their homes, at the workplace and they are not safe online, in a male-dominated tech environment and a digital world filled with commercialisation and exploitation of women’s bodies and sexual assault.
Pornographic websites get more visitors each month than Amazon, Twitter and Netflix combined and almost 90% of the most-viewed pornographic scenes contain sexual, physical and verbal violence against women. To understand the hypersexualised and violent digital environment, we need to observe the industry of sexualised exploitation and the commercialisation of women’s bodies – an industry with many faces. Due to the growing digitalisation of our lives, the industry is transforming and new forms and ways of sexualised exploitation and prostitution appear, for instance, sugardating, OnlyFans, AI, exploitation through social media, and more. This path for the technological development and its impact on gender equality needs to be in the frontline of the conversation to increase gender equality online. Together with experts, we will discuss how this affects the society as a whole, and women and girls in particular, as well as ways forward.
- Meghan Donevan, Research Director, Talita
- Mandy Sanchez, Program coordinator, Culture reframed
- Kathleen Richardson, Professor of Ethics of Culture and AI at De Montfort University
- Olga Persson, President, Unizon
Welcome to an digital event hosted by Unizon and Sveriges Kvinnoorganisationer within Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).