CSW66: Sexualised Exploitation of Women and Girls and Global Climate crisis


17:e mars 13:00 2022 datumet har passerat


17:e mars 15:00 2022 datumet har passerat


Unizon and MÄN at the NGO CSW66 virtual froum.

Global climate change has had noticeable negative effects on the environment and people’s lives all over the globe, hitting the most vulnerable groups, such as women and girls, the hardest. Women’s frontline organisations from different parts of the world see more and more how the devastating consequences of the ongoing climate crisis make it easier to lure women and girls and exploit them in the sex industry. Nevertheless, the connection between the issue of climate change and sexualised exploitation is rarely discussed.

During this parallel event we will talk about addressing prostitution, pornography and other forms of commercial sexualised exploitation in the situation of climate crisis.

Together with women’s NGOs from Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Russiaand the USA we will explore the links between resource extraction, climate displacement and other consequences of climate change, on the one hand, and growing vulnerability and exploitation of women and girls, on the other hand. The focus will be put on the practical mea- sures for prevention of and response to sexualised exploitation of women and girls in general, and particularly, in the areas largely affected by environmental disasters.


Florence Keya, Founder of the Maisha Girls Safe House – Kenya

Dolzodmaa Purevjav, Program Coordinator at Talita Asia – Mongolia

Vednita Carter, Founder of Breaking Free and Vednita Carter Presents, and Ambassador-At- Large at the United Nations – USA

Rosi Orozco, Author, Founder of Comision unidos vs trata – Mexico

Rebecka Andersson, Secretary-General, Unizon - Sweden

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_BZMzyU68TumcffiDIKFpRA 


For more information see the Facebook-event.